The Forecasted dividend and ATM implied volatility excel sheet was working fine on excel version 1700.
Now with the latest update of excel, version 2003, it generates an error.
Can we have your input on this ?
The Forecasted dividend and ATM implied volatility excel sheet was working fine on excel version 1700.
Now with the latest update of excel, version 2003, it generates an error.
Can we have your input on this ?
This is likely due to missing VBA reference to DEX2 library. In the VBA editor main menu select Tools - References. Check the reference to Dex2 1.0 Type Library. If it says "Missing", then uncheck it, click OK and then go back to Tools - References again. In the References dialog box click Browse and navigate to the location of Dex2.dll on your machine, e.g.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Thomson Reuters\Eikon\X\Bin\Apps\TR.OFFICE.CORE\\Bin\Dex2.dll
Then see if you have any other references marked as "Missing" in the References dialog box. Re-establishing missing VBA references should take care of this VBA compile error.