I see a warning when using Eikon's Python API package (eikon). The commands I ran were:
- import eikon as ek
- ek.set_app_key('....')
- df2, err = ek.get_data(['RIC_1', 'RIC_2' ...], ['TRD_STATUS'])
The warning message I see is:
C:\Users\kengwong\KOminiconda3\envs\brk\lib\site-packages\eikon\data_grid.py:247: FutureWarning: The pandas.np module is deprecated and will be removed from pandas in a future version. Import numpy directly instead data = pd.np.array([[get_data_value(value) for value in row] for row in data_dict['data']])
This is not an error, it looks more like a warning.
Keng Onn