I'm using get_data to get settlements prices:
df1, err1 = ek.get_data(['List of symbols'], ['TR.SettlementPrice.date', 'TR.SettlementPrice.value'])
As of yesterday, the function doesn't return prices most of the time (works in rare random cases),
As per logs, I see it's stuck at API function _check_ticket_async:
INFO:pyeikon:Response : 500 - <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Error</title> </head> <body> <pre>Internal Server Error</pre> </body> </html> INFO:pyeikon:Port 9000 was retrieved from .portInUse file INFO:pyeikon:Try to handshake on url http://localhost:9000/api/handshake... INFO:pyeikon:Response : 404 - <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Error</title> </head> <body> <pre>Not Found</pre> </body> </html> INFO:pyeikon:Set Proxy port number to 9000 INFO:pyeikon:Port 9000 on local proxy was detected 1.0.1 INFO:pyeikon:Receive ticket from responses, wait for 15.0 seconds INFO:pyeikon:Receive ticket from responses, wait for 15.0 seconds --- 40.390366554260254 seconds --- Instrument Date Settlement Price 0 SXKZ9 NaN NaN
Also, the number of times below message is repeated is random
INFO:pyeikon:Receive ticket from responses, wait for 15.0 seconds
Another try, I got:
INFO:pyeikon:Receive ticket from responses, wait for 15.0 seconds INFO:pyeikon:Receive ticket from responses, wait for 15.0 seconds INFO:pyeikon:Receive ticket from responses, wait for 15.0 seconds INFO:pyeikon:Receive ticket from responses, wait for 15.0 seconds INFO:pyeikon:Receive ticket from responses, wait for 15.0 seconds INFO:pyeikon:Receive ticket from responses, wait for 15.0 seconds INFO:pyeikon:Receive ticket from responses, wait for 15.0 seconds INFO:pyeikon:Receive ticket from responses, wait for 15.0 seconds INFO:pyeikon:Receive ticket from responses, wait for 15.0 seconds --- 150.25812125205994 seconds --- Instrument Date Settlement Price 0 SXKZ9 NaN [Handler_BackEndFailure] Request Timeout