We are having issues extracting controversy details using the Eikon python API. When querying for General Electrics alone we get 11 controversy details, but querying at the same time for GE and other company we get less controversy details
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We are having issues extracting controversy details using the Eikon python API. When querying for General Electrics alone we get 11 controversy details, but querying at the same time for GE and other company we get less controversy details
An example of the problem can be reproduced using the following code:
# Output for the fields outputs = [ "fperiod", "esgsourcetitle", "esgsourcedate", "esgsourcepublisher", "esgsourceurl", "esgsourceabstract", ] # Set parameters params = { "AddSource": True, "EDate": -2, "Period": "FY0", "Frq": "FY", "CH": "Fd", "RH": "IN", } # Metrics controversies = ['TR.ControvEnv', 'TR.RecentControvEnv', 'TR.ControvCopyrights', 'TR.ControvPublicHealth', 'TR.ControvBusinessEthics', 'TR.ControvTaxFraud', 'TR.ControvAntiCompetition', 'TR.ControvCriticalCountries', 'TR.RecentControvPublicHealth', 'TR.RecentControvBusinessEthics', 'TR.RecentControvTaxFraud', 'TR.RecentControvAntiCompetition', 'TR.RecentControvCriticalCountries', 'TR.RecentControvCopyrights', 'TR.ControvHumanRights', 'TR.ControvFreedomofAssociation', 'TR.ControvChildLabor', 'TR.RecentControvHumanRights', 'TR.RecentControvChildLabor', 'TR.ControvConsumer', 'TR.RecentControvConsumer', 'TR.ControvCustomerHS', 'TR.ControvResponsibleRD', 'TR.ControvPrivacy', 'TR.ControvRespMarketing', 'TR.ControvProductAccess', 'TR.ProductRecall', 'TR.RecentControvPrivacy', 'TR.RecentControvRespMarketing', 'TR.RecentControvProductAccess', 'TR.RecentControvResponsibleRD', 'TR.ControvDiversityOpportunity', 'TR.RecentControvDiversity', 'TR.MgtDepartures', 'TR.ControvWorkingCondition', 'TR.RecentControvWorkingCondition', 'TR.ControvEmployeesHS', 'TR.RecentControvEmployeesHS', 'TR.ControvMgtComp', 'TR.ControvRecentMgtComp', 'TR.ControvShareholders', 'TR.RecentControvShareholders', 'TR.ControvInsiderDealings', 'TR.ControvAccounting', 'TR.RecentControvInsiderDealings', 'TR.RecentControvAccounting'] metrics = [c + '.' + o for o in outputs for c in controversies] features = [{m:{'params':params}} for m in metrics
If i make the API call for several companies:
ek.get_data( ['US3696041033','US0378331005'], features)
I get 5 controversies for ISIN US3696041033, while making the call one-by-one, I get 11
Hello @jaime.oliver,
We have tested this request, and it looks like the discrepancy in the number of controversies tat you were observing previously, was fixed on the back end.
Could you please verify on your side?
Can I get the complete code for extracting the ESG Controversies with Metric, starting Fy, ending FY, and ticker as parameters @jaime.oliver