How to fetch End of the day exchange rate for India using EIKON SDK . Currently EOD data is being fetched by EIKON-Excel application however it is a manual process. Kindly suggest how to proceed with exchange rate download
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How to fetch End of the day exchange rate for India using EIKON SDK . Currently EOD data is being fetched by EIKON-Excel application however it is a manual process. Kindly suggest how to proceed with exchange rate download
Thanks for your reply .
However my requirement is to get Exchange Rate for INR=IN ,Date :18/09/2019 :TIME : 18:00 ,Time ZONE:DEL
Can you help me in getting value using these parameters .
As above code is working however I am not able to get desired data as per above requirement .
Thanks for your reply .
Can you suggest how to fetch SPOT BID and ASK rate using EIKON API.
Hi @chavalit.jintamalit ,
My equivalent Excel code is as below.
=RHistory("INR=IN","BID.Timestamp;BID.Close","END:"&H9&" TIMEZONE:"&$H$4&" NBROWS:1 INTERVAL:1D",,"TSREPEAT:NO") where:
• H9 holds the end date with time in the DD-MMM-YYYY:HH:MM format.
• H4 holds the timezone DEL
Can you please provide equivalent python/.NET code such that I can automate my existing manual process.