Hi team,
Recently my account was enabled with proper Level 1 and 2 access to the Lusaka Stock Exchange. I confirmed this with our customer manager. I tried making a MarketByOrder & MarketByPrice for varied securities but get the same "The record could not be found". Level 1 data works fine but Level 2 not properly. Can you please look into the matter?
{ "ID": 2, "Domain": "MarketByPrice", "Key": {"Name": "PMDZ.LZ"} }
[{ "Type": "Status", "State": { "Stream": "Closed", "Data": "Suspect", "Text": "*The record could not be found", "Code": "NotFound" }, "ID": 2, "Domain": "MarketByPrice", "Key": { "Service": "ELEKTRON_DD", "Name": "PMDZ.LZ" } }]
Thank you