I programmatically set up OmmConsumerConfig and try to use it to connect to the server, but get errors (System errno: (10057) - Socket is not connected):
loggerMsg TimeStamp: 16:36:09.056 ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient Severity: Warning Text: Received ChannelDownReconnecting event on channel <Channel_name (same as host:port)> Instance Name Consumer_1_1 RsslReactor 0x00000000052E2F40 RsslChannel 0x00000000052E2F40 Error Id -1 Internal sysError 10057 Error Location ...\rsslReactorWorker.c:676 Error Text <...\rsslSocketTransportImpl.c:5771> Error: 1002 ipcConnecting() client connect() failed. System errno: (10057) loggerMsgEnd
The remote server is available (telnet successfully connects to it). Host and port are provided through ChannelSet parameter.
I am unable to analyze the correctness of the generated data structure for OmmConsumerConfig, since the EMA C++ API does not allow that due to the limitations of the EMA containers (The EMA does not support immediately retrieving data from freshly created OMM containers or messages).
What shold i do?