We intend to use the DS.SYMBOLLOOKUP function to expose a symbol search by name or code.
We also want to allow filtering based on the security type. We found out that DS.SYMBOLLOOKUP supports a "Category" argument, e.g. DS.SYMBOLLOOKUP(Category=Equities). However we could not work out which security types the Category argument will accept.
We tried the same names used in the category filter on product.datastream.com but not all of them work.
Specifically, neither Category=Futures not Category=Future works (error: Unrecognized Category value). Is there documentation on this topic and all the optional arguments that DS.SYMBOLLOOKUP accepts (we know that there is a Count argument to limit the number of returned search results)?
Bond Indices
Bonds & Convertibles
Equity Indices
Exchange Rates
Interest Rates
Investment Trusts
Unit Trusts
Not working:
Credit Default Swaps