Can someone guide us which TRKD API can get close price 3 Months, 6 Months, 1 Year
Historical prices can be retrieved using Interday_timeseries operation in TRKD API. This operation allows you to retrieve price data (Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, BID, ASK fields only) at a frequency of Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly and Annual period intervals. History can go back up to last 20-30 years depending upon since when we started collecting the data.
Thanks and Regards,
Online Solutions Team.
Have you referred to the TRKD Time-Series - Interday tutorial?
It demonstrates how to get various prices including Close price on daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual basis.
Hi @Umer Nalla can you confirm only TRKD timeseries api that return fields CLOSE_3M, CLOSE_6M, CLOSE_1Y?
If yes it's mean the only way we can get from interday specific start, end date time range between start yyyy-MM-ddT00:00:00, end yyyy-MM-ddT23:59:00 and interval is DAILY
Can you confirm?