I've been testing out to see which instruments from the screener tool can be accessed via the Eikon Data API and have found some that work, while others don't.
For example in R, the following download for public companies works:
get_data(instruments = 'SCREEN(U(IN(Equity(active,public,primary))/*UNV:Public*/), IN(TR.HQCountryCode,"JE"), TR.Revenue(Period=FY0)>=500000000, CURN=USD)', fields = list("TR.CommonName"), debug = TRUE)
But when I try the same filter but want to include private companies I receive a 400 Bad Request error:
get_data(instruments = 'SCREEN(U(IN(Equity(active,public,private,primary))/*UNV:PublicPrivate*/), IN(TR.HQCountryCode,"JE"), TR.Revenue(Period=FY0)>=500000000, CURN=USD)', fields = list("TR.CommonName"), debug = TRUE)
Similarly, I can download M&A deals with the following command:
get_data(instruments = 'SCREEN(U(IN(DEALS)/*UNV:DEALSMNA*/), IN(TR.MnANationHQ,"JE"), NOT_IN(TR.MnATRBCEconomicSector,"55"), CURN=USD)', fields = list("TR.MnASDCDealNumber", "TR.MnATarget"), debug = TRUE)
But when I try to download bond deals, the response from the server is that it is returns null fields for the instrument identifiers and says it is "Unable to collect data for the field 'TR.ISIN' and some specific identifier(s)." I assume this is due to the fact the instrument identifiers are null but interestingly, the response is able to pull out some bond deal identifier as well as the issuers' names.
get_data(instruments = 'SCREEN(U(IN(DEALS)/*UNV:DEALSBOND*/), IN(TR.NINationHQ,"JE"), NOT_IN(TR.NITRBCEconomicSector,"55"), CURN=USD)', fields = list("TR.ISIN", "TR.NIIssuer"), debug = TRUE)
Could you please let me know if there are any issues in my searches and if not, which screeners are actually available in the Data API?
Many thanks,