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secondaryFields and customFields

I would like to add a given Date of birth, nationality, passport number and a national ID number to and individual search, could you please explain how i would insert the those parameters in the secondaryFields or customFields in the contents of the request below?

{ "secondaryFields": [], "entityType": "INDIVIDUAL", "customFields": [], "groupId":"xxx", "providerTypes": [ "WATCHLIST" ], "name": "xyz" }

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Hi @osama.sammour,

Please hit the "SEQ-pre-group-case-template: Get the case template for a group" API call to obtain the blueprint of available secondary fields and their definitions which you can use and form your request to further screen. Each secondary fields has a typeID mapped to it which needs to be used while forming a request for a screening!

There are 5 secondary fields available for an individual screening I am copying the same below: Passport num and nationality ID fields are not available on the API for individual screening!


"secondaryFieldsByEntity": {

"individual": [


"typeId": "SFCT_1",

"fieldValueType": "GENDER",

"regExp": null,

"fieldRequired": false,

"label": "GENDER"



"typeId": "SFCT_2",

"fieldValueType": "DATE",

"regExp": null,

"fieldRequired": false,

"label": "DATE_OF_BIRTH"



"typeId": "SFCT_3",

"fieldValueType": "COUNTRY",

"regExp": null,

"fieldRequired": false,




"typeId": "SFCT_4",

"fieldValueType": "COUNTRY",

"regExp": null,

"fieldRequired": false,

"label": "PLACE_OF_BIRTH"



"typeId": "SFCT_5",

"fieldValueType": "COUNTRY",

"regExp": null,

"fieldRequired": false,

"label": "NATIONALITY"



Below is a sample payload to screen an individual with secondary fields such as DOB, nationality etc.

{ "groupId":"{ {group-id}}", "entityType":"INDIVIDUAL", "providerTypes":[ "WATCHLIST" ], "name":"Barack Obama", "customFields":[], "secondaryFields":[ { "typeId":"SFCT_1", "value":"MALE" }, { "typeId":"SFCT_2", "dateTimeValue": "1961-12" }, { "typeId":"SFCT_3", "value":"USA" }, { "typeId":"SFCT_4", "value":"USA" }, { "typeId":"SFCT_5", "value":"ABW" } ] }


You can similarly add your own custom fields under the custom field tag!

Let me know if this helps!


Mehran Khan

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Thanks that very good, could you please let me know the following:

  1. What kind of custom fields can i have in the customFields array?
  2. How to upload our own private black list, which can be screened against.
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Regarding to the secondaryFields

I have made a search and found a match with a DOB of 1965-01-01. but when i put in a value of secondaryFields": [{ "typeId": "SFCT_2", "dateTimeValue": "1965-01-01" }] and request results using the following URL, I keep getting a 404 not found response.
only when i change the date to be "1965-01" (without the day) i get results, but the results are just the same as with no date at all.

could you please explain/confirm:
  1. Exact date format allowed
  2. All results returned will have the given date


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Apologies, don't know how this was missed,

I tried screening with the same DOB I get an expected response back, please see below

Date: "Wed, 30 Oct 2019 12:54:37 GMT"

Content-Type: "application/json"

Authorization: "Signature keyId="************************",algorithm="hmac-sha256",headers="(request-target) host date content-type content-length",signature="t5eItxuhlUQ0NTR9dtH4jBsjJrhwjJfrkyIFAJXHzXM=""

Content-Length: "447"

Content-Type: "application/json"

User-Agent: "PostmanRuntime/7.19.0"

Accept: "*/*"

Cache-Control: "no-cache"

Postman-Token: "5f2b4bf9-d9a1-41a1-9fea-150143d952c3"

Host: ""

Accept-Encoding: "gzip, deflate"

Connection: "keep-alive"

Request Body

Response Headers

X-Application-Context: "application"

Cache-Control: "no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate"

Pragma: "no-cache"

Expires: "0"

X-XSS-Protection: "1; mode=block"

X-Frame-Options: "DENY"

X-Content-Type-Options: "nosniff"

Date: "Wed, 30 Oct 2019 12:54:38 GMT"

Content-Type: "application/json;charset=UTF-8"

Transfer-Encoding: "chunked"

Server: """"

Response Body

caseId: "f8de6cd7-2299-4039-b174-b3b6eb641946"

results: [1]

0: {…}

resultId: "0a3687d0-6d92-1a9f-9b87-2ede00ea4136"

referenceId: "e_tr_wci_259333"

matchStrength: "EXACT"

matchedTerm: "Barack OBAMA"

submittedTerm: "Barack Obama"

matchedNameType: "PRIMARY"

secondaryFieldResults: [5]

sources: [1]

categories: [1]

creationDate: "2019-10-30T12:54:38.754Z"

modificationDate: "2019-10-30T12:54:38.754Z"

primaryName: "Barack OBAMA"

events: [1]

countryLinks: [3]

identityDocuments: [0]


providerType: "WATCHLIST"

gender: "MALE"


Can you share the complete request and response of the request where you are getting a 404 ?

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 5.0 MiB each and 10.0 MiB total.

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