I am trying to execute the runConsumer100 example from EMA tutorial against the Canned data set of EMEA using the sink_driven_src infra tool. So runConsumer100 is successfully getting connected to localhost and port 14002 with the canned data but I receive below message rather than proper response saying "No data in cache", but the canned data set contains 312799 messages:
WARNING: loggerMsg ClientName: ChannelDictionary Severity: Warning Text: RDMDictionary stream was closed with status message streamId 4 Reason State: Closed/Suspect/None - text: "No data in cache." loggerMsgEnd
runConsumer100 is from the eample section of EMA:
As per the link above, I should receive the field records for refresh and update.
To get the response from canned data, sink_driven_src is used using the bat file which contains below command:
..\win_x86_64\sink_driven_src.exe -S DIRECT_FEED -bdf emeaData.dat -U 1 -N 14002 -K -ik -t 361 pause