I am publishing several records which comprise a chain over RSSL/OMM. So 0#MYCHAIN, 1#MyChain, etc.
Currently existing chains use short link FIDs (e.g. LINK_#) and I've changed our publishing to use long link FIDs (LONGLINK#). As a result, I want to clear out any any short-link FIDs which exist in the record when I publish the long-links. Easy , right? No, nothing is easy with RFA.
I use a PostMsg with an embedded Refresh message setting rfa::message::RespMsg::ClearCacheFlag in the indication mask. It does overwrite the existing fields but any subsequent updates to that record cause Eikon to only show the updated fields (i.e. it looks like the other FIDs have disappeared).
What should I be sending to RFA to work correctly in this use-case?
BTW, the fields *DO* appear to be in the cache, it's just that EIKON only seems to show the updated fields.