we are trying to validate the downloaded files with file size for the response which is incorrect and suggested to use content-md5 header, but we are not aware of it. let us know how to use this.
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we are trying to validate the downloaded files with file size for the response which is incorrect and suggested to use content-md5 header, but we are not aware of it. let us know how to use this.
@samara, we need a bit more info to answer:
The suggestion could be related to this advisory which is advised to retrieve the checksum and file size from the following HTTP header fields returned in the file download response:
With regard to package delivery id, I understand that you download VBD files via /StandardExtractions/UserPackageDeliveries('<package delivery id')/$value endpoint. You can use curl with -I option to get only response's header. The MD5 checksum is in Content-MD5 header.
curl -I -Ls -H "Authorization: Token_xxx" -X GET "https://hosted.datascopeapi.reuters.com/RestApi/v1/StandardExtractions/UserPackageDeliveries%28%270x0634b9ef4aeb3026%27%29/%24value"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Cache-Control: no-cache Pragma: no-cache Content-Length: 3471212 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Encoding: gzip Content-MD5: a6740f781a6289b145a59be91b0be6e3 Expires: -1 Accept-Ranges: bytes Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=CBT-2018-06-06-NORMALIZEDMP-Report-1-of-1.csv.gz
Once the file is downloaded, you can run md5sum command in Linux to get md5 checksum for the downloaded file and then compare the output with value in the Content-MD5 header.
#md5sum CBT-2018-06-06-NORMALIZEDMP-Report-1-of-1.csv.gz #a6740f781a6289b145a59be91b0be6e3 CBT-2018-06-06-NORMALIZEDMP-Report-1-of-1.csv.gz
Hope this helps. If this is not what you are looking for, please elaborate.