I tried to create some type of drill down query system for DSS.
Thank you for publishing metadata as XSD, that helps me greatly.
However, I had some trouble about to get ExtractionRequest derived class by ReportTemplateTypes enum name such as DetailEstimateFootNotes and CompanyEstimatesFootnotes.
I would like to know the correct way to link between them.
Below is my struggling:
In many cases, I can get correct ExtractionRequest derived class by concatenating ReportTemplateTypes name and 'ExtractionRequest'. For example 'FundAllocation' + 'ExtractionRequest' => FundAllocationExtractionRequest.
However I can't get 'DetailEstimateFootNotes' + 'ExtractionRequest' class. It seems EstimatesFootnotesDetailExtractionRequest is the correct one.
I also found that each ExtractionRequest derived classes have an annotation with Term=Org.OData.Core.V1.Description. It contains Reference Data such as 'FundAllocation'. Therefore I think it can be linked from ExtractionRequest derived class to ReportTemplateTypes and vice versa.
However, for example TickHistoryRawExtractionRequest has 'Time Bar' and there is no 'Time Bar' in the Enum definition. It seems TickHistoryRaw is the correct one.
Adding an example (9 May, 2018)
For example,
In Metadata (XSD) on Extractions, I can find the complex type SingleHistoricalPriceExtractionRequest, however, I can't find corresponding ReportTemplateTypes enum members.
Therefore I can't get the list of ContentFieldNames by invoking GetValidContentFieldTypes API because there is no clue of the ReportTemplateTypes name.
Indeed, Extractions -> OnDemandExtractions-> ExtractWEIthNotes
And select SingleHistoricalPriceExtractionRequest for Parameter Name = ExtractionRequest on Features & Behaviors pane.
The ContentFileldNames has blank FieldNames. Therefore we can't find any valid ContentFieldNames.
That is the same thing caused by lacking imcomplete metadata, I should suppose to.