This morning the organisation RSS feed was correctly returning records when requested but during this afternoon no records are being returned which is strange.
The request I am using is:
and it is currently returning:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-stylesheet href="/public/194/atom/atom.xsl" media="screen" type="text/xsl"?> <?xml-stylesheet href="/public/194/atom/atom.css" media="screen" type="text/css"?> <feed xmlns="" xmlns:opensearch=""> <title>Organization Feed</title> <author> <name>Open PermID</name> <uri></uri> </author> <subtitle>From date(UTC) : 2018-04-18T07:53:52.000Z, To date(UTC) : 2018-04-23T07:53:51.000Z, Window : Offset = 0, Length = 50, out of 0 results.</subtitle> <id></id> <updated>2018-04-23T07:54:26Z</updated> <opensearch:totalResults>0</opensearch:totalResults> <opensearch:startIndex>1</opensearch:startIndex> </feed>