I'm having trouble in finding the most suitable field for the need I have. I'm looking for the historical status (active-inactive) of a company. For my needs I could use both a daily feed (i.e. retrive the information for all the days in a range) or a "date of change" information (i.e. the list of all the dates when the status was updated in a range).
At the moment I'm using the get_data api and the field "TR.OrganizationStatusCode". This field however does not appear to have any historical reference since no parameters for a time serie is available in the documentation. Indeed the answer I get from the server for a timeframe is a "spot" answer, disregarding the range.
fields = [ek.TR_Field('TR.OrganizationStatusCode'),ek.TR_Field('TR.OrganizationStatusCode.fielddescription')] params = {"SDate":"2014-12-27","EDate":"2017-04-01","FRQ":"D"} req = ek.get_data(['AAPL.O'],fields,params)
Instrument |Organization Status Code| Description AAPL.O | Act|Indicates whether the organization is Active o...
Does anyone knows a field which suits my needs?
Thanks in advance for your help