How do I get this
ric region splitdate adjtype adjustment description ..
000001.SZ F 1995.09.25 43 0.833333 2:10 Non-renounceable scrip is..
000001.SZ F 1996.05.27 43 0.5 10:10 Non-renounceable scrip i..
000001.SZ F 1997.08.25 43 0.666667 5:10 Non-renounceable scrip is..
000001.SZ F 2000.11.06 13 0.873533 3:10 Non-renounceable rights i..
000001.SZ F 2007.06.20 33 1 Return of capital ..
000001.SZ F 2007.06.20 43 1 1:10 Non-renounceable scrip is..
000001.SZ F 2013.06.20 80 0.625 6:10 Stock dividend, same stoc..
000001.SZ F 2013.06.20 80 0.625 6:10 Stock dividend, same stoc..
000001.SZ F 2014.06.12 43 0.833333 2:10 Non-renounceable scrip is..
000001.SZ F 2015.04.13 43 0.833333 2:10 Non-renounceable scrip is..
000001.SZ F 2016.06.16 43 0.833333 2:10 Non-renounceable scrip is..
at present I am able to get this for same ric
RIC Capital Change Ex Date Capital Change Event Type Adjustment Factor Capital Change Event Type Description
"000001.SZ" "2016/06/16" "43" ".833333" "Non-renounceable scrip issue in same stock"
How do I get back date data for same ric instead of just the latest CA.