Under the TRTH v1-v2 migration process we are currantly involved in, we are comparing the results got when using both approaches for the same functionality (in this case, the verifyRICs one)
The same instrument list is used for both cases, including the symbol DEA0E5JD= on it.Both queries are using the same date (August 3rd, 2017) too.
After the call using the v1 Api, an excerpt of the results is shown below, where the symbol DEA0E5JD= has associated a currency code of EUR
Version: 60422 / 60643M Quota: Type: DailyRicDay, Exceedable: true, Cash: 2500/0, Futures: 0/0, Options: 0/0 verfiyRICS returned 3 instruments EURCHF= : CHF EURCHFSNV= : CHF DEA0E5JD= : EUR ...
Under the v2 approach, we use the report template and endpoint shown below:
{ "@odata.type": "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ReportTemplates.HistoricalReferenceReportTemplate", "ShowColumnHeaders": true, "Name": "VERIFY_HISTORICAL_REPORT_TEMPLATE_20170803", "Headers": [], "Trailers": [], "ContentFields": [{ "Format": null, "FieldName": "RIC" }, { "Format": null, "FieldName": "Currency Code" }], "Condition": { "StartDate": "2017-08-03T00:00:00.000", "EndDate": "2017-08-03T23:59:59.000" } }
The extraction go in this case shows the same results than those obtained from the v1 data access, but with exception of the previously mentioned symbol. For that case, no currency symbol is specified:
RIC,Currency Code ... DEA0E5JD=, ...
Any idea about what is happening?