I cannot seem to run the DataApiUsageExampleTimeseriesData solution because I'm not able to retrieve the right NuGet package, please assist
I cannot seem to run the DataApiUsageExampleTimeseriesData solution because I'm not able to retrieve the right NuGet package, please assist
Can you provide any details? What exactly is the problem with downloading the NuGet package?
Solution level packages are deprecated in VS 2015. Try applying the package to a project. See
Hi Alex,
I get the below error when I press the "Manage NuGet packages for solution" Button. I've opened the solution DataApiUsageExampleTimeseriesData in Visual Studio 2015.
Can you create a new solution and see if you can install one of these packages through Package Manager Console? Use the package with the right bitness for your project.https://www.nuget.org/packages/ThomsonReuters.Desktop.SDK.DataAccess.Signed/
I also found a reference to someone having experienced the same issue as you did. Follow the link below and scroll down where the reporter mentions the error you saw and Microsoft seem to acknowledge it as a bug in VS 2015. Perhaps you need to update your VS software?
Hi Alex,
When I try to install the package I get the following error:
Hi Alex, Thanks I got it working.
I was wondering if you could also help me with the below query?
I would like to retrieve closing prices at a certain date (lets say yesterday, but this can change) for a list of RICs and put it in a datagridview. How would I go about this most efficiently?
You need to loop through your list of RICs, create an instance of ITimeSeriesDataRequest for each RIC, add this instance of ITimeSeriesDataRequest to a member List to keep them in memory. Use OnDataReceived event handler to output the data retrieved. You probably will want to create a member List bound to DataSource property of your DataGridView Control. You will also need event handler for OnStatusUpdated event to handle data retrieval errors (bad RICs, no data for a given RIC etc.). Finally you probably want to keep a counter of RICs retrieved to know when all data retrieval is complete.