It seem that there was release on XETRA exchange on 3 July (http://www.deutsche-boerse-cash-market.com/dbcm-en/newsroom/press-releases/New-T7-trading-technology-goes-live-on-Xetra/3089506).
I can see that a new field appeared in data from RFA since then (NA_MSG_TYP, fid 8636) with values like "d", "W", "f", "X".
Can you please tell what different values stand for or point me to some document where i can look them up myself?
Also, on 03-Jul-2017 i haven't received any trade messages for *.DE rics (BOSSn.DE for example) through RFA (using Java RFA api v.7.2.1.E2).
But since 4 July i've started getting trade messages again, without any changes on my side.
Does anyone know if there were changes on 03-July-2017 on Reuters side that affect *.DE rics?