Whenever I send market price query continuously to the ADS server, server always replies the same price. The type of the response messages are always REFRESH. I also don’t know if it is normal that I never get UPDATE or STATUS type response messages.
I use the below code to query the ADS server. The code is called in a while loop continuously.
What can be wrong? Could you plese help?
Thanks in advanceReqMsg reqMsg = new ReqMsg(); AttribInfo attribInfo = new AttribInfo(); reqMsg.MsgModelType = ThomsonReuters.RFA.RDM.RDM.MESSAGE_MODEL_TYPES.MMT_MARKET_PRICE; reqMsg.InteractionType = ReqMsg.InteractionTypeFlag.InitialImage | ReqMsg.InteractionTypeFlag.InterestAfterRefresh; attribInfo.NameType = ThomsonReuters.RFA.RDM.RDM.INSTRUMENT_NAME_TYPES.INSTRUMENT_NAME_RIC; attribInfo.Name = new RFA_String("TRYTOM=D3"); attribInfo.ServiceName = new RFA_String("IDN_RDF"); reqMsg.AttribInfo = attribInfo; OMMItemIntSpec ommItemIntSpec = new OMMItemIntSpec(); ommItemIntSpec.Msg = reqMsg; long itemHandle = this.ommConsumer.RegisterClient(this.marketPriceEventQueue, ommItemIntSpec, this); int dispatchReturn = this.marketPriceEventQueue.Dispatch(10);