What's the authentication config on ADS to allow EWA websocket connection?
What's the authentication config on ADS to allow EWA websocket connection?
Hi @jun.ma
You need to input the following authentication information into the EWA's connect() function
Example code:
sess.connect({ name:'wasin', nameType:3, applicationName:'EWA App', applicationId:'777', position:'', url: <ADS IP>, ...
Thanks, @wasin.waeosri. I am aware of the parameters setup. The problem we have right now is, when trying the connection to our ADS, there is always an 20111 error, saying "authentication token was not authorized or not present." So i think there is a problem in our ADS config file. Any suggestions, which switch in ADS config file or other config file controls the token authentication? -Jun
I found my problem, may be this can help others.
I got ADS "authentication failed or token not found" error on EWA side due to incorrect value for the "position" field in the request. I switched to use the standard "" as the value of "position", then connect is okay.