What is the RFA C++ roadmap with regards to Solaris10 & 11 platforms?Acc. to the API compatibility matrix only ver. RFA C++ ver 7.4 is supported. Is there any planned obsolescence for RFA C++?
Thank you.
@Jirapongse, Thanks for the reply. Please help clarify the below points with reference to the latest API matrix ver 2.03_5
1) For RFA C++ ver 7.6.x (OMM), on Operating System tab. under Solaris 11 (x86) and Solaris 11 (x86)-64bit, the comment "Qualified in v 7.2.x or Higher with Solaris 10 Sun Studio 12 Binaries".
2) For RFA C++ ver 7.6.x (OMM), on Compiler tab, under SUN Studio11, the comment is "64-bit only", and under SUN Studio 12 the comment is "Added Libs in 6.3.0.E1". Does this mean SUN Studio11 is only for 64-bit as stated and Studio 12 supports both 32-bit & 64-bit ?
Please clarify the above.
Thank you for the support.
In RFA 7.6.2.L1 solaris package, there are three directories available under the Libs directory.
For the first question, it means that SOL10_X64_32_SS12 and SOL10_X64_64_SS12 are also for Solaris 11 (x86) and Solaris 11 (x86)-64 bit.
For the second question, yes it is correct.
It states in the API Compatibility Matrix that "Sparc Support only provided for releases 7.4 or Earlier." Therefore, RFA C++ 7.5 and above don't support Sparc anymore. RFA C++ supports Solaris 10 & 11 (x86).
There is no obsolescence plan for RFA C++.
Thanks. Is there planned obsolescence for ver 7.4 (RFA C++) and what was the release date?
It states in the API Compatibility Matrix that RFA 7.4 has been end of life on December 06, 2016 and RFA 7.5 has been end of life on Jan 03, 2017.
Thanks. In the API Matrix, under Operating System tab, there is reference to ver 7.4 with the comment "Sparc support only provided for release 7.4 or earlier". And as 7.4 is EOL in Dec2016, no current RFA API supports Solaris 10/Sparc?
Yes, you are correct. RFA 7.4 has been end of life. Therefore, RFA doesn't support Solaris 10/Sparc platform anymore.