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Always looking for your interaction on Twitter can follow you can tweet at Mott and UT WEEI a. Sweep of the show as the kids say. Says Mata pats fans want to influence news coverage. Pitches started kick starter. We're big goal of two and half billion dollars it paid Ted Wells to investigate. That is on its face a diss is an excellent idea here's the from the league. Police not gonna grant him the investigation power. The league as a want Ted Wells specific around the story. It would be great and I think you could easily raise amongst patriot fans the bonus Christmas so. While it's a little bit tighter this time a year. But Norway say what 2.5 million among the New England states. Easy Pickens. He else's we can all we control Adele because there's no way we'll get to an ad million I think you're wrong. If we do in the NFL doesn't take the money we with the Dana Farber. Not the worst idea. But there's for forget it deltic in the money wells won't take it because the owners are gonna what wells to investigate. And the commissioner Walt Walt wells to investigate. On our about the too badly box. I guess more than they added NFL wants that wells nowhere near this don't want thorn of the rug wanna move on. And do here is well old group if your phone calls whenever both focus will not be deflate gate to hear this hour. We're for Tom Brady is set now what are from Richard Sherman first. So we were talking a lot about the NFL's ratings and these Thursday night games. This week the mayor as Seattle Seahawks are playing on Thursday night. They're playing an un watchable game tomorrow night against the LA rams. Rams fired Jeff Fisher . Nothing to play for John possible. The special teams coach I think Jim fossils kid in fact. He's got to coach the game on Thursday. Seahawks the win big. But as Richard Sherman said this Thursday a football thing. Not great for the Seahawks not great for the NFL. Pull fast is this. It's terrible just you know you play you play for and got home by 1 o'clock in the morning so might on Monday. Congratulations Danica you do again. But they've been doing policies so it would last ones to get that. May have pretty Toppert tough odds Arafat took off. Because this this is just no regard you know it's just advocate hypocritical as stated before. You know images you stance of our players' safety the for the players and and in tremendous danger. We don't have enough time we don't have a job. What a whole separate press conference about me in him in despair and principally in their announcement. So I don't always agree Richard Sherman I think he can spout off and we know about as it takes is a player but he seems pretty bright. And in this case. Boy yes it actually nailed on two parts right the first part is the the Thursday that aspect of it. And the timing of you get all the 1 o'clock they traveled they plating Green Day . On Sunday late Sunday afternoons they all Mondale won. They outplayed up Thursday. So congratulations NFL you did it again but we've been doing that all season so I guess were the last ones to get the middle finger. And then it brings up the hypocrisy in the leagues and Ali that time he opened the league by the way. It's part of the revenue. It's hypocritical as I stated before they make this your stance about player safety they put the players and tremendous. Danger. And boy you sure were right about that. These are sure about three things he says there at the end it's part of their revenue eccentric and a league probably has something else up their sleeve. They'll Friday night game plan who knows. How big is that. I LeRoy eighteen games. I think that the bit short answer is going to be after next year which the final year of the current Thursday night football schedule. They are going to approach from the CBA comes up name before that. They're gonna approach to players and say look. Thirst our football contract is gone. Instead of bringing back Thursday night football how about this eighteen game schedule. Twenty weeks to buys. We'll take away one preceding game. Maybe to appreciate games. At a week at the end of the year. So you'll play to a pre season games and then get to work. You'll play eighteen games two by two weeks a twenty week schedule. The make up for the extra game. Or get rid it to its call to pre season games. And away we ago. But it ought to playoff team like that that appeals to you whether will be sold. NFL because nobody wants the eighteen game schedule. But nobody wants Thursday night football. So when Sherman goat gets into this listen to this cot again this afternoon. He's right there's something up up there's helping something else up their sleeve they floated this idea. A couple of weeks ago that they might do well Thursday a football altogether. There is no way they're going to do that. Unless unless. They had themselves a revenue maker on the back end. Some of the replace that revenue. Casey doing suddenly international week one primetime game in Mexico City Monday night in London in Sunday night in Toronto absolutely. Anything helps them get their revenue back because what the commissioner is done. He's promised then they're getting to. A certain revenue level here. It'd do that they have to do more they're doing right now it's why your hearing about the team going to. Eight games in England. More international games. This is what the goal is of the commissioner he made promises the league. And if they'd back off Thursday night football. And the ratings are telling them right now they should back off thirst I've football it's not working for the audience it's not working for the players. Especially in full season form. The only way it works quite frankly is that they go back to a reduced Thursday night schedule. But that does it help revenue. So I would say barring the ability to go to. An eighteen game schedule. You'll see reduced Thursday night and what patty our producer just said. Additional primetime international games. And that's unfortunately all they care about they don't care that much about the product looks like it killer its ratings. They don't really care about player safety until they getting sued. And dammit I hate to say it. Richard Sherman is dead on on this one. Players don't want it bans don't want it media doesn't want it. But unless they can find a way to replace that money recoup that cash on. It is staying in some form after next year. 61777979370. Is the phone number text 379837. Your tweets and mutt and UT WE yeah. Us naked Mike in the car or get the calls and Tom Brady how Mike. My my eight I have the perfect solution to this whole period denied that when we got it brought yet but it never implement. It pretty simple what plays on Thursday night. By the previous week. So that you did you not playing hot date and end and stake if you have a bar right on eight Sunday. Whatever it was just past eleven yeah I think now okay are you scheduled but there's I ball so you have good days rock. Played Thursday night and they don't have another ten days off and then you click on Sunday. I I like the idea in my let me give you want potential issue. Right so we don't you know. They they do a but if you're gonna play Thursday night games in. At the end of the year. They get away on those teams have buys that now second by for that team. How does that work. I write. So yes it just scheduled byes for what will play it I'm not certain I just don't you know because there are. There are 32 teams in the NFL right so two teams play every week. So you're critic year you can get the sixteen weeks at 32 teams. But if your let's say let's put your playing Thursday night football like we're in week fourteen or fifteen. You're not gonna have a but you're not gonna have a bye week in and around until the end ask them. You like you write will have fewer Thursday night games but that are being media. Well you know what if you lose it if you lose. What you need until under the math here so there are. So Mike wants. Mike wants of the teams that play on Thursday to have filings there are seventeen weeks in the NFL. They don't play Thursday night games in the final week that's sixteen weeks. Let's say every team plays once on Thursday night that sixty weeks right patio sixty weeks of the season. Times two a two teams play. That's 32 teams. Sony get beat every team on Thursday night football. You're playing there's I've football from week one. And still. Weeks sixteen. Of the year. The issue there being. The teams that play in week 16151413. For jet ways the last four. Op Thursday night weeks by our schedule. Their eyes don't come in and around till late November early December. With a visor down by a week eleven or twelve I think and national football at sided double check Abbott appeals have been on my week eleven or twelve. Having a bye week in week thirteen. Or fourteen or fifteen or sixteen. Is killer. In some cases. Yet the body afterwards another week of a buyer your playoff team if yet FR I would say. Haven't played 1516 weeks in Roby killer physically. On your team. So unless you're gonna set up where you going to play. Thursday night doubleheader Ers. Like that might make some sense to me. If you wanna build the buys around Thursday night football. And you wanna give four teams though the binary the next week a previous week whatever it is. Then you play eight weeks of Thursday night double headers. Your plane right there the middle the year. So from say a week. I don't five until thirteen. Where a lot of advice take place anyway. That I am I doing this in the he took guys that the real math in this test tonight. So doing this in shorthand. When they pan Amare Richard Sherman now print out the patio gave me. But 32 teams they all they get a bye. You need to use. Somehow. Stagger that Thursday night double letters which I'm I don't know who want there's a double letters. We do. I'm Mike in San Jose Mike you're on WEEI. Oddly enough that's exactly what I was gonna say guy yeah I had the right answer baby and I double headers. Then you can throw in red zone on Thursday night you can go back and forth between two games. You get you get them by we confront you get extra rest. You can tell you can nearly still do the cowboys and and each right there Thanksgiving. And their bye week before and I think they'll work. The only knock could be your your back the taken that on Thanksgiving like throughout the go down to just a pair of games again Garrett that Thursday night game on Thanksgiving. Oh yeah there are compliant way. I find well oh my I like I Wii is workshop this like I I I liked this idea I behind this two games on Thursday three weeks went to. Soda and you'd you'd have all the buyers. More in the mid how many how many changed yes it's I'd during one week. Not its staggered it's for it's 456. Minutes. So be it for weeks five until thirteen sell it back off whenever Thanksgiving is a maybe it maybe it's foreign till twelve or three to eleven I don't know but. Yeah Thursday night doubleheader which workshop Nellis. Not a white order anything. Yeah Bruntlett. Mike thanks for the call. Steve in the car says shipped all Thursday night games this Saturday. I do like the Saturday night football. Although if are open scheduling and secondly its not their fault they can always do this right. But we are going into NFL week. Fifteen. That's crazy. To get a terrible Thursday night game. And this pissed me off. Because I do this at the beginning of Saturday at is the only real Saturday night week because next week it's Christmas Eve and so yes there are games on Kristi but it's not a tree. This is the only real treat Saturday night came the Christmas shopping game it's the game where. You know ego Christmas shop in the after you would your wife for girlfriend and you sneak over to that. You know you know call it bad standardized. Corporate bar. At the mall. You get a couple of Beers and watch whatever games on any yellow pot meal Saturday football pep in east employers shop and the reward is. Bad food are bad bad for you food the good appetizers. And beer at the end of the rainbow. Saturday night December 17 are only Saturday pre Christmas street in all they gave us. No they stuck us with. Dolphins. Jets. That's the Saturday night game. The crap is a matter. Rice paddy and Matt Moore on Saturday night. Or rice paddy in TJ Yates. On Saturday night. I don't care about that game. Sox. You're two primetime games Thursday night. Rams Seahawks. Saturday night football pep in your step Saturday shopping game. Golf prints and Yates. Jets and petty who gives a flying. Flip. God that is frustrating. They had you known that. They had to have all that. All I'll bet have been Steelers bagels are many good not could play that one. Where else could they given us on Saturday night. Not a great slate. Raiders chargers would take British chargers perfect Saturday night game. I can't make a case for any else though not a great slate. I don't weeks sick. Thursday night game Eagles giants and and it's split up about this. Yes you're there doing. So we get a modified so late on Saturday. With only 123. Four early games on Saturday Christmas Eve. Ops are an idiot seven early games. And then four for 25 games and eight point five game then Sunday Christmas. You get double hatter. You get ravens Steelers at 430. It chiefs or Broncos on Christmas night. The bush get pumped up for. I don't agree it's Saturday at a football on we're not be at all Sunday. Sunday games on January 1. Years. And I depress myself. My son's fourth birthday party on Saturday I'm gonna wanna see some football Saturday night of what I that we do most pit bulls seized by. A comic at Saturday. Adios notable skate. Our Brian and a car on enough Thursday night double headers which is the genius idea that I came up with a Mike in San Jose also came up with though what's up Mike. A riot upstart but Bryant. So grammar is bad idea. But it was apple or why I heard Carter is out there is that I think there are. Album contract for. Yeah it's good in game. Essentially adding two competing networks. And also you know from moving coverage so essentially. You can't get involved corrupted from its revenue contracts. Are. Bottom line. What I play well what do I play what do I played seven in ten. Double headers split doubleheader 7 eastern 10 eastern. Now but it sure worked is because Barbara and he's coached wherever you go you're report driving the majority of so it's an open but for the product and her play because we're. So that would also and done. It's not to. Senator we call back which you. For the most part of reroute it is what oracle or. Which is how likely scenario in football where are opening their. Ninety and into buys yeah appeals appeals most likely. Herbal and there's. There and I. Got a partner. Much. Part of every war nobody or watch a person like the are just a little. It saturated the Mark Cuban for proper come true. Too much. Yeah and out how to say to you it's the BD mentioned Mark Cuban thing effects of the call Brian. Pigs get fat hog it's ought to be NFL's get on. I'd say the eighteen game schedules gonna feel awful. So. What are they gonna start this I'm trying to do that this is even more want you math. So it's every twenty week regular season. If it starts September 1. I you Argo on September October. November. I'm not only beat Phil the first week of January. And your big yet it's what they'll do. They'll find a way to push the season back with the byes and everything else. And they'll get what they want the gets Super Bowl on that the holiday in January of forgetting the holiday now early February. The President's Day or Martin Luther King Day apologized in my head. But they'll get it right around there they get the day off at the Super Bowl and the seasonal go all the way until that. Look mid February. Is what it feels like. So there ago Richard Sherman dare I say right again I got popped clinic. 61777979837. The phone number text. 37937. Tweet any time at mutt and UT WEEI. Tom Brady wants the playing till 45 we hear that next here on Sports Radio. Her shark tank coming up at ten right here on WEEI recapping Bruins and if you celtics' eyes well there in San Antonio is about to get underway against the spurs. I know Isaiah Thomas in that one no Marcus Aldridge for San Antonio's 617779. Seven ID 37 a phone number text 37937. Tweet and mutt and UT. WEEI took a lot of us back the other night when Tom Brady said to Jim Gray. On the Westwood One radio broadcasts like the plate is about 45 or so we followed that up with. Gruden and it. I was and chug her McDonough on sort of what it I've broadcast again alluding to that number 35. Let's hear from in fact. Odd Tom greatest Tom Brady . Patio with duct Kirk and Callahan. On this morning talking about wanting to play until I deep into well eighties is mid forties. Do you feel like that's about right five more. 56 more years. They kind of bought at a price that is critical. Certain that I'd do it so it just a matter out on a wanna make the commitment. You know to do everything. Quiet I'd love to play him for long and I can't it's there's a lot of things earn up to me. Do everything I can't achieve planned at this level. Copper Arctic air I think I can do I would opt out of work get this individual but in an actor really capitalized. Really try to make the most of everything that's. Over the years fortunate to be around so I hope I keep doing I certainly can't. Those Brady and Kirk in Cali and check out the entire interview on demand I'd WEEI. Dot com and I. And and I believe them. That's sounds crazy to say. But he has been spectacular this year. And if any quarterback can play into his mid forties is Brady for a couple of reasons number one. Number one I give the credit to braid. Because he is adopted this and and whether it is hokey airway it works for him I know that. He's adopt this holistic style of living. He's adopted this strength band not resistant strength training. Approach to his. Getting himself ready to play. He's bought completely into may keeps himself in it again methods he goes about duet. Seem extreme but that's what the best star made to the best seem extreme they do things that. You know what else is doing at the time. So the way he keeps himself. That's the first reason I think they can do to his 45. Number two was Little League is is set up right now. There was a time there in the eighties and and bring you eluded to this and he compared to NN press conference today compared. Lawrence Taylor and Von Miller. And is as close of Al Miller say look what look like he could kill a quarterback. LT is a Brady died is that given make it if this'll set up why the league right now. Is it a good spot for Brady to play toys fortify. We ordered it and what about the fact is our way again not bought Miller. I mean he's one of the greatest players and well put out orders burger places. Yeah is incredible aptly linebacker. Pass rusher. In the off last year so I get to march and a great rush got. On the best secondary law I just think it's strip a really solid gene that plays for all. So anyway on this and is press conference or down Gillette Stadium that looks that you kill a quarterback. But there was a time we're Lawrence Taylor legit I I thought he was. Going to killing quarterback. The way attack guys right. But the wait till league is set up now in 2016. It's only gonna get more protective of their QB's the quarterback is an endangered species. You can't touch them you can't breathe on them yes they get here. But if we hit the head flag hit in the leg flag. Go for it on the legs themselves flag and you can't do. Anything to attack these guys. And so because of the rules of football right now. I it's also a huge credit to Brady. And a huge or a huge feather in the cap of he could play until he's 45 years old. Anchor Chris price of a numbers today WEEI dot com Canada's Twitter account. Other quarterbacks 39 years old so Brady has played nine games so far at the age of 39. 282800. Yards passing 22 touchdowns to pixie quarterback rating of 113. It would be by fall are. The highest quarterback rating for guy in at the age of 39. The second highest on record now as Brett Favre who had an amazing year in 2009. 33 touchdowns seven picks quarterback rating of 107. After I got it back to Warren Moon in 1995. Was Chris pointed out that on Twitter war mode at a very underrated career. Who's also if you like the past the football he. It Haywood Jeffries. Civil rents a white out of the backfield they were loading givens. Move was a stud in that game. Warren Moon at the age of 3933. Touchdowns fourteen picks quarterback rating of 91. The other QB ratings. About Vinny Testaverde 76. And this by the way 39 and up. Not many guys have gotten this rarefied air we Brady is going to crush the thirty and up record right here. In the 33 is the touchdown record for aged 39 out. You know he's gonna play twelve games this year he might get it. Three games to go was a crazy to think the Brady throws twelve touchdown passes . So Brady's Taba 45. He backed up they would Kirk and Jerry training. Jimmy go drop below is getting traded. They're not gonna trade this guy. Belichick's not gonna trade to franchise and the crafts are gonna allowed to happen. And when you hear Brady this morning. On the morning show. Again reiterates what is 45 it is more fuel that fire that Jimmy drop below is gonna get dealt. Cleveland at their second first round pick they mcdaniels goes to whatever. That trade's going to happen. But the year Brady has had spectacular. And yours on a cap and often MVP you heard in Chris writes about it that it WEEI dot com go play well in Denver. A place present trouble playing before the teams had trouble winning before goal went in Denver cap off the MVP. 61777979837. Is it Tonya. And hey I'm sorry NA is in Beverly. On Tom Brady hype it and there are you do about good and they I don't. The courage. You're on the air. Are denied well. Yeah just like what you're saying you know I I definitely think it's it's 45 minute literature breeze now which you're getting up there and page but. He's still putting up really good numbers. In those. This came at two greater on him but he's still performed no matter what. I'm praise the same way. Just just is like natural ability just to compete collection level matter who's around only he's been around so many guys. For so long which he's seen so many people in and out locker room. Well like he he keeps insisting you know. Everything's the same actors mentality mentally prepares insult it's just relentless and he could actually keep doing it I mean he's taking good care himself. Arm problem getting treated that's pretty interest in Ali. We're going to be option that's nor even though we only they've experienced. He performed pretty well so. You've got to draw some interest PRD have honestly but it be interesting to be to go to the browns. Even though but they're open minded to good. But still no doubt be really good addition to them I think better than party very. Always he's much better armies better than they go around the league right now and a you can go to Chicago he's better than company. All the spots where potentially mcdaniels could end up. Not economic Daniels I'm only going to a team rival quarterback that I feel can win right away and Ingle rob below. I think Rob Lowe has proven he can he can win at this level and would give. Give McCain as the quarterback for the next ten years no matter what franchisee ends up on. Under percent. Or so that's like him I put those two together and thanks for the call there's a report out today saying that. I he's the favorite for multiple jobs including the rams job if I'm Josh McDaniels I'm not take in the rams' job unless I can take. Jimmy drop low with me. I'm not gonna move by faith and Jared golf. No way no how we've seen far too many times in this league quarterbacks. Get their coaches fired. And mcdaniels after is issues in Denver better get settled and so I I'm already thinking. Package deal to Chicago. Package deal to. Cleveland those two teams. Feel like legit spots for coach quarterback nick Daniels drop below. Especially given Brady's comments this morning with Kirk and Callahan he wants to play for all other five years or so. And alma the agents given always play this year 22 touchdowns two picks. He's got to get that opportunity. 61777979837. Is the phone every busy night here tonight in football heavy we'll do until 10 o'clock immigration arcane joins in a on WEEI late night QB.

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This is really a strange error; the problem is with the token "Let's". If "Let's" is changed to "Get's" in the substring "Let's hear from in fact." then it works. If you delete all the other tokens from the substring and only leave "Let's" it will return an error!

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