Hi.. I'm trying to call idn_selectfeed service through RFA.net API, can I get a sample program related to that? Also what should be the host name, username, etc? Do I need to setup any registry settings in my company VM?
Hi.. I'm trying to call idn_selectfeed service through RFA.net API, can I get a sample program related to that? Also what should be the host name, username, etc? Do I need to setup any registry settings in my company VM?
You have to contact your Thomson Reuters account manager for the host name, port, username and service name.
For the start, you should follow the Getting Started guide which can be found inside RFA.net package under "/rfanet8.0.1.E1.win.rrg/Docs/portal/start.htm".
The guide will show you how to use "QuickStartConsumer" program to connect to another "QuickStartProvider".
Once you get the gist of the sample. You can change the host name, port, username and service name to your data feed that your account manager gave.
The host name and port can be changed in configuration file, while the username and service name is in the code.
// ========================================================================== // Send Login request ReqMsg reqMsg = new ReqMsg(); reqMsg.MsgModelType = ThomsonReuters.RFA.RDM.RDM.MESSAGE_MODEL_TYPES.MMT_LOGIN; reqMsg.InteractionType = ReqMsg.InteractionTypeFlag.InitialImage | ReqMsg.InteractionTypeFlag.InterestAfterRefresh; AttribInfo attribInfo = new AttribInfo(); attribInfo.NameType = ThomsonReuters.RFA.RDM.Login.USER_ID_TYPES.USER_NAME; attribInfo.Name = new RFA_String("username"); reqMsg.AttribInfo = attribInfo; OMMItemIntSpec ommItemIntSpec = new OMMItemIntSpec(); ommItemIntSpec.Msg = reqMsg; long loginHandle = ommConsumer.RegisterClient(eventQueue, ommItemIntSpec, this); // ========================================================================== // Send Market Price item request reqMsg.Clear(); attribInfo.Clear(); reqMsg.MsgModelType = ThomsonReuters.RFA.RDM.RDM.MESSAGE_MODEL_TYPES.MMT_MARKET_PRICE; reqMsg.InteractionType = ReqMsg.InteractionTypeFlag.InitialImage | ReqMsg.InteractionTypeFlag.InterestAfterRefresh; attribInfo.NameType = ThomsonReuters.RFA.RDM.RDM.INSTRUMENT_NAME_TYPES.INSTRUMENT_NAME_RIC; attribInfo.Name = new RFA_String("TRI.N"); attribInfo.ServiceName = new RFA_String("DIRECT_FEED"); reqMsg.AttribInfo = attribInfo; ommItemIntSpec.Msg = reqMsg; long itemHandle = ommConsumer.RegisterClient(eventQueue, ommItemIntSpec, this)